📢 Attention Parents/Guardians:
We're excited to welcome back our students! Here's the schedule for orientation on August 28:
9th Grade Orientation: Auditorium at 5:30 PM
6th Grade Orientation: Library at 6:00 PM
Please join us to get important information and meet the staff. We look forward to seeing you there! 🎒📚
Attention Parents/Guardians of Athletes: This Friday's football game has been pushed up to 6:00pm on THURSDAY instead of Friday.
There will be no MS VB practice on August 28 (open house)
MSFB practice schedule has been changed…
Monday - No practice (Heat)
Tuesday - Normal
Wednesday - No practice (Open House)
Thursday - No practice (Varsity Game)
Friday - Normal
2023-2024 Yearbooks on Sale During Open House!
You can purchase last year's yearbooks during our Open House on August 28!
High School Yearbooks: $65
Middle School & Elementary Yearbooks: $40
For any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Lueloff at 715-266-3301.
Don't miss out on preserving last year's memories!
Picture Order Forms Available for Pickup!
Hey parents/guardians! Just a heads-up: Picture Day is happening during Open House, August 28. Pictures will be taken in the MS Gym. You can pick up picture order forms before the event at the district office, or you can conveniently order online at mylifetouch.com. If you prefer, you can also scan the barcode on the picture order form for quick access to the ordering page. Please call 715-266-3301 for any questions.
Looking forward to seeing those smiling faces!
Notice to WSD Community: The August 19, 2024 board meeting will convene at 7:30pm this month (not 7:00pm)
Open House, August 28th. Welcome back students!
Please see the information listed here that is available for families in the upcoming months hosted by Northwest Connection Family Resources.
PIWI - Starting in August the last week of August on Wednesdays at 9:00 am, going every Wednesday for 6 weeks. This is a playgroup designed for caregivers and children between the ages of 2-3 years old. Each week a different developmental topic will be discussed and then you get to play with your child and other children their age. All around fun and learning! If you would like to register for this, please click on this link https://forms.gle/1yNV3yrc7ovfVBRt5
Being a Parent Triple P BBQ - Come learn about different strategies for being a parent and enjoy some food on us. Please RSVP to this event on our Facebook page.
Community Response Program - A program designed to fit the needs of your family, connecting you to resources, making small, manageable goals, and receiving support in many different areas of your life. Anyone who has a child under the age of 18 years old living in their household is eligible for this program. Call us today!
Triple P Discussion Group - Dealing with Disobedience - We all know what it’s like to face that moment when our children just won’t do as they’re told. In this discussion group we will give you suggestions to help you teach your child to accept limits, do as they are told and to understand the meaning of the word No.
To register for this Discussion Group, please click this link https://forms.gle/Vo7Gt2Qy2pz76n9t8
Reminder: the yearbooks have arrived and are ready for pickup! Pick up dates: June 3 -June 20. Monday - Thursday. Times: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: District Office. If you have any questions, please call the school.
Exciting News! The Yearbooks have arrived! We are thrilled to announce that the yearbooks have arrived and are ready for pickup! Pick up dates: June 3 -June 20. Monday - Thursday. Times: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: District Office. If you have any questions, please call the school at 715-266-3301.
The elementary/middle school yearbooks have arrived. If you pre-purchased one, it should be coming home with your student. If you would like one, there are a few available for purchase for $40. Please contact Mrs. Lueloff if you are interested at
alueloff@winterwarriors.org High School yearbooks should be arriving any day now.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for the 2023-2024 school year! Whew! It will be an early dismissal day. Students will be released at 12:45. We wish you all a wonderful, safe and relaxing summer! We look forward to see you all in September!
Congratulations to our 8th grade students who were promoted to High School today! We are proud of you and all that you've accomplished in Middle School. We know you will continue to achieve great things in High School!
Congratulations to the following scholarship award recipients:
American Legion Post 303: Elaina Brier
Arclin Continuing Ed Scholarship: Myriah Steinke
Booster Club Scholarship: Elaina Brier, Rowan Wergeland
Bryan Thompson Memorial Scholarship: Randi Roberts, Curtis Thompson Jr.
Cherryl Rudi-Nelson Memorial Scholarship: Elaina Brier, Madison Ehn, Rowan Wergeland
Chuck Parker Memorial Scholarship: Elaina Brier
C.M. Olson: Kayden Berge, Elaina Brier, Madison Ehn, Gunnar Greuel, Matthew Limbaugh, Tyler Marten, Randi Roberts, Myriah Steinke, Curtis Thompson Jr, Rowan Wergeland
Cora & Joseph Paulick Memorial Scholarship: Kayden Berge
David E. Nordgren Memorial Scholarship: Rowan Wergeland
Four Wheelin' Warriors-David Haus Memorial Scholarship: Elaina Brier, Madison Ehn and Tyler Marten
Ihling Family Scholarship: Elaina Brier, Madison Ehn, Gunnar Greuel, Randi Roberts, Rowan Wergeland
James Langham Memorial Scholarship: Elaina Brier, Matthew Limbaugh
Keystone Masonic Lodge: Myriah Steinke
LCO Amvets Post 1998 Scholarship: Tyler Marten
Podsiadly-Rudnicki Scholarship: Rowan Wergeland
Red Cross Scholarship: Myriah Steinke
Sawyer County Farm Bureau: Elaina Brier
Sawyer County 4-H: Elaina Brier, Madison Ehn, Rowan Wergeland
Sawyer County Outdoor Projects and Education: Elaina Brier
Sno-Trails Snowmobile Club: Rowan Wergeland
Warrior Way: Madison Ehn
Whiskey Ridge Scholarship: Randi Roberts
Winter-Area Lions Club: Matthew Limbaugh
Winter Fire Department: Rowan Wergeland
Winter Huskies-Dennis Dantzman Memorial Scholarship: Matthew Limbaugh, Myriah Steinke
Winter Warriors PTO Scholarship: Kayden Berge, Gunnar Greuel
We want to express our thanks to the organizations and families who continue to provide funds to the District's scholarship program. We are so grateful for your contributions.
Congratulations and Good Luck Graduates!!
On Tuesday, Middle School and High School students participated in a community service day around the Village of Winter. Students were divided into different groups to work on different areas of the Village. Students helped to sweep the streets from all the sand from this past winter. Other students picked up brush that residents had set out and loaded it up to be taken to the brush pile. After a morning of work, the students had lunch at Doc Smith park and then played games afterwards. It was a beautiful day to be outside.
Congratulations WSD Golf team!! All 5 varsity players took home All-conference points yesterday; and Curtis Thompson placed 12th in the All-Conference list for the year. A great end to his senior regular season, congrats CJ!
The main event of the day was Adam Bednorski taking home first place in the season All-Conference points race, as well as East Lakeland Player of the year! Congrats Adam and the rest of our Warrior team.
Parent Warrior Weekly: May 16, 2024
This week, a great deal of focus has been on the high school seniors. Students have experienced many lasts: the last concert, the last community service day, and finally, their last day of school. Graduation will be on Friday. It will be live-streamed if you are unable to attend.
Next week, our 8th-grade students will be promoted to high school. This is also a big transition, even though it seems like just a walk down the hallway. Students will be starting their last four years at Winter School District. They have grown and learned so much already, but the last four years will help them prepare for the rest of their lives.
Upcoming Events:
May 17- High School Graduation, 7:00 pm
May 22- 8th Grade Promotion, 10 am
May 24- Last Day of School, Half Day
Happy Mother's Day weekend to all the incredible Mothers out there!
Winter High School students attended the 3rd Annual Hands-On Skills Day with Push Industries. This exciting event allows high school students to explore various aspects of the Utility Construction industry and connect with top brands in the field. Winter High School works to expose our students to opportunities in the workforce and beyond through career fairs, job expos, and college fairs as part of our Academic and Career Planning Process.
Parent Warrior Weekly: Next week, we will celebrate student achievements. We have the elementary and middle school/high school Spring Concerts on Monday. Both concerts will be streamed live on our YouTube channel, which also streams our games.
Next week is also the Seniors’ last week of classes. They will complete their academics on Wednesday and graduate on Friday. The graduation ceremony will also be live-streamed for extended family who are unable to attend. The Seniors always appreciate the in-person support, and graduation starts at 7 p.m. All seats are first come, first serve, so arriving early for a good seat is not a bad idea.
Upcoming Events:
May 13- Spring Concerts
Elementary 1:30
Middle School/High School 7 pm
May 15- Senior Scholarship and Awards Banquet, 5:30 pm
May 17- High School Graduation, 7:00 pm
May 22- 8th Grade Promotion
May 24- Last Day of School, Half Day
Mother's Day Flower Sale: Middle School Student Council will be selling flowers in the district foyer before and after school on May 9th and 10th. They will also be available to purchase in the district office all day. Roses will be sold for $4, all other flowers will be $2.