IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Thursday's (October 12) football game has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled. Homecoming activities will take place as usual. The parade will start at 3:00. The bonfire will be after school Thursday and before the intra-squad scrimmage that starts at 5:00. There will still be a team dinner at Patti's on Wednesday for football players, NO PRACTICE FRIDAY.

Sawyer County Public Health will be at Winter School on Thursday, October 12th to administer flu shots (injectable or nasal mist) to students at no charge. Please send back the consent form that recently was sent home to the district office by October 2 to have your child registered for that day. Contact the Sawyer County Public Health office with any questions or concerns at 715-634-4806 ext. 2300 or 1-800-569-4162.

NOTICE: Parent Teacher Conferences is scheduled for tomorrow, Oct. 4. It is an early release day and students will be released at 12:45. Conferences run from 1:00 pm -7:00 pm. Elementary parents should have received a conference time for their students. MS teachers will be in the MS gym and HS teachers will be in the HS gym. Elementary teachers will be in their rooms. Any questions, please call the District Office at 715-266-3301.

REMINDER: Wednesday, Oct 4th is Parent Teacher Conferences. It is an early release day and students will be released at 12:45. Conferences run from 1:00 pm -7:00 pm. Elementary parents should have received a conference time for their students. MS teachers will be in the MS gym and HS teachers will be in the HS gym. Elementary teachers will be in their rooms.

NOTICE: Cub Scouts-Pack 55 begins September 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the WSD cafeteria

Reminder: STAR Afterschool Program starts on Monday, September 25th. You still have time to sign your child(ren) up. Extra forms are available in the District office.

Getting Teenagers to Cooperate - Positive parenting help for Parents of Teens. October 5. See flyer for further information.

Northwest Connection Family Resources presents...Parents Interacting with Infants (PIWI). A guided playgroup of caregivers and infants (between 6 - 12 months old) every Tuesday Oct. 5-Nov. 7. See flyer for further information.

Triple P Discussion Group (Positive Parenting Program) - Toilet training zoom meeting. September 26. 6:00-7:30. See flyer for further information.

Northwest Connection Family Resources invites your family to join them for a FREE parent café experience.
FUN THEMES are sure to bring about fun interactive adult discussions while incorporating the Protective Factors and how they relate to daily life.
October 30, 2023. See flyer for further information.

Diaper Bank hosted by Northwest Families Connection. Families may pick up free diapers on Oct. 9 from 11:00-6:00 at the Northwest Connection Family Resource Center in Hayward. Please see flyer for more information.

The MS Student Council is hosting a spaghetti dinner fundraiser on October 10. Please see attached flier for more information. Thank you for your support!

It's not to late to register for Triple P Teen Seminars, starting this Thursday night, Sept. 7th.
If you have a pre-teen or a teen in your household, this is for you! Receive a gas card after survey is filled out on each seminar.
Here is the link to register: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2FDLoPoXZL4jgfzbY8A%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR02VMBFrQmfTEpZGZyXg2hR5-NpNPCjtM78EHNNDmvPOj9KL2ZAdvJvZsU&h=AT3Ofh7hbuCDJ4RVm6amC5dR5Wz_NpcHXpUSMtPy1VlKpOvQBki4M5eGeQReVwnb36KWnRYsi41pINnUuZGS5ndF8M7ax-H9ZESvT7xJdUIMfOkfaewx8WQ8ZHjUiQKSIe9T&__tn__=-UK-y-R&c[0]=AT2p7yexec4K3bdHXl3YkI2Bm6KgdtoG0evMOZkjz-XInJCJr3pHrOVBNs9Sm52GRyLphkvSeqSJvnXftP3ycp0HavG-SvVFwvT313sHOQeNOVIrYCqC6OY5hDpMTl5yZSClE6NCaSi_xZLNYlIDJxiuu_OQCGs4jrUN7Vuat3BQv7mQbzspWtb0fCOZg0-fQfPR4zw0CHEHOcY9Ophqzd5hvkwKtdMrsxFs

Notice: Picture retake day is scheduled for October 11.

A Teen Seminar is coming September 7th. This series is great for caregivers of teens or pre-teens.
Click the link below for more information:

Notice to Guardians: WSD has a new door system. Doors are locked until 7:45 a.m. Please do not send your child(ren) to school before 7:45 am. Thank you for your cooperation.

Welcome back students! Tomorrow, August 24, is our first day of school. Reminder that it is also Picture Day as we need everyone's photo for our school ID tags. We look forward to seeing our students and wish everyone a great year!

District Phone Lines: The District's main phone lines have been repaired and are now live. If you need to contact the school, please call the main lines at 715-266-3301/715-266-6701. Thank you for your patience during this time!

Picture Day Reminder: Picture Day will be on the 1st day of school, August 24!

Active Shooter Drill Reminder: School District of Winter to Conduct Active Shooter Drill August 22 WINTER, WI — The School District of Winter, in partnership with the Sawyer County Emergency Response Team, will conduct an active shooter drill on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. This safety exercise aims to ensure students, staff, and local law enforcement agencies are prepared in case of an emergency during the 2023-24 school year. It will focus on evaluating response times and efficient building evacuation protocols. During the drill, staff and law enforcement officers will run through a mock active shooter scenario, with staff following the district’s established procedures. Please be advised that traffic on Main street may be affected on this day. “This upcoming drill is one part of our district's ongoing commitment to student and staff safety,” said Dr. Andrew Grimm, Superintendent. “While we hope to never need to implement these procedures, it is critically important that we are fully prepared for a worst-case scenario. We appreciate the understanding and support of our parents, staff, and community as we conduct this exercise.”